Globalization and health: a framework for analysis and action

Show simple item record Woodward, David Drager, Nick Beaglehole, Robert Lipson, Debra 2009-08-04T23:03:40Z 2009-08-04T23:03:40Z 2009-08-04T23:03:40Z
dc.identifier.uri es_ES
dc.description.abstract Globalization is a key challenge to public health, especially in developing countries, but the linkages between globalization and health are complex. Although a growing amount of literature has appeared on the subject, it is piecemeal, and suffers from a lack of an agreed framework for assessing the direct and indirect health effects of different aspects of globalization. This paper presents a conceptual framework for the linkages between economic globalization and health, with the intention that it will serve as a basis for synthesizing existing relevant literature, identifying gaps in knowledge, and ultimately developing national and international policies more favourable to health. The framework encompasses both the indirect effects on health, operating through the national economy, household economies and health-related sectors such as water, sanitation and education, as well as more direct effects on population-level and individual risk factors for health and on the health care system. Proposed also is a set of broad objectives for a programme of action to optimize the health effects of economic globalization. The paper concludes by identifying priorities for research corresponding with the five linkages identified as critical to the effects of globalization on health. en_US
dc.description.sponsorship Bulletin of the World Health Organization en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.subject Estado de salud en_US
dc.subject Cooperacion internacional en_US
dc.subject Factores de riesgo en_US
dc.subject Corrientes financieras en_US
dc.title Globalization and health: a framework for analysis and action en_US
dc.type Article en_US
dc.type Book chapter en_US
dc.type Working Paper en_US

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